Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Capitalist Dilemma

I was at the Kirkwood city council meeting this past thursday. They had a proposal for building gas pumps at the Kirkwood Shop N Save they were considering. Shop N Save wanted to build gas pumps as a "service to the community." There was much opposition to the proposal from Kirkwood residents who were afraid this would affect their property values. There are also already 5 gas stations within a 1 mile stretch on the part of Manchester road. 2 still in business and 3 that recently went out of business.

I had mixed feelings on this issue. My inner capitalist was saying, "Let them build, if they go out of business in two weeks that's their problem. Don't let the government interfere."

But at the same time there was another little voice, "This is a local government, not the Feds. Local governments should have more power than federal. If they want to regulate business, (and the citizens obviously want them to or they wouldn't be here) let them."

Ultimately the council voted it down 4-3. There was much discussion, but I noticed the council members against the measure seemed much more concerned about Kirkwood residents than the members who were for the proposal.

I'm still confused as to whether that is a legitimate function of local governments or if they were out of line to be trying to regulate a business in the community. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I love the gas station at my shop n' save.
    but then again it's like the nearest one for 3 miles.
