Monday, March 22, 2010

So, How Does It Feel To Wake Up In A Socialist Country?

As you probably know by now, the healthcare bill that Obama has been pushing since he was elected passed the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday evening. This $940 billion overhaul and government takeover of health insurance among other things passed 219-212. No Republicans voted for the bill and 34 Democrats did not vote for the bill. Bart Stupak and his group of so-called "pro-life" Democrats voted for the bill after Obama said he would issue an executive order that current abortion laws would not be changed.

Now, while Obama and his cohorts are acting like this bill is a good thing for the American people, every single person I've talked to since this passed has had a negative view of the bill. I've talked to people from both sides, normal people, friends, Republicans and Democrats - some who even voted for Obama - and not one has said this bill is a great thing for America. So, Obama, I don't know who you're talking to, but to my knowledge there is no one in America who thinks this bill is a good thing.

As for Bart Stupak and his group of "pro-life" wimpy Democrats, I think they had to have been paid off. Whether it was money, special appointments for family, benefits for their state - I don't know, but that executive order is worthless and therefore is not the reason Stupak caved. I don't care which side of the abortion debate you're on, this is blatant corruption and that alone is grounds for impeachment of anyone involved.

The good news, Missouri is among the many states considering legislation to block the Federal healthcare takeover on the grounds it is not Constitutional. In Missouri it is called the Healthcare Freedom Act and is doing well so far. If this passes it would mean anyone in Missouri would not have to sign up for Obamacare.

Also at least 12 state Attorneys General are joining together to file legal challenges to the bill. Again on the grounds that it is not Constitutional.

Passage of this bill that virtually no Americans wanted and the corruption behind passage will pretty much ensure Republican victory in November and most likely also in 2012. Now, I'm not saying that's completely a good thing, but it's the truth. There's no way, unless Republicans do something Really Stupid, that any Democrat who voted for this bill can win in November.

And hopefully, because of this, more people will wake up to the fact that our freedoms are under attack. I see it every day, more people waking up, seeing the political corruption in Washington and becoming fired up enough to do something about it. I believe passage of this bill was the last straw and people will begin waking up all across America. The flames of Liberty are spreading!!!

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