Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Tea Party Welcome For Obama

As you probably know, Obama was in town yesterday. First in St. Charles to drum up support for his healthcare bill. Then he was at the Renaissance hotel in downtown St. Louis for a private fundraiser for Senator Claire McCaskill. So the Tea Party patriots showed up to welcome him and given the number of Gadsden flags I saw, I think the message was pretty clear - Don't Tread On Us!
One thing I found disturbing was that at this fundraiser only the White House press pool were allowed in. None of the local media were allowed in. What are they afraid of? That Obama might say something stupid when he's not using his teleprompter? I don't know, I just don't like that sort of thing. If I recall correctly - I'd have to check on this - the same type of thing happened a year ago when the president was here. Again, not sure on that, but I seem to recall something of the sort.

Anyway, here's the video from yesterday's Tea Party. I set it to music from Flogging Molly, who also happened to be in town yesterday.

And in case you're interested here's the video from the 100 days protest last April.

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